Sign of the times: DottedSign finally makes e-signatures easy

Signing documents has never been a joyous task. While services like Adobe Sign, DocuSign and HelloSign have attempted to bring ease to the process through electronic document signing , the result has often been confusing and not very mobile friendly. The company Kdan Mobile has now delivered a product that once and for all makes signing and tracking documents on the go as easy as checking your Facebook feed. Called DottedSign , the service works across iOS and Android devices as well as through a web portal to dramatically improve document workflow efficiency.

DottedSign Makes e-Signature Easy on Mobile and Desktop

Mobile mastery

The issue with many online signing services is that, while they are meant to function in today’s world of electronic documents, they don’t necessarily take into account today’s mobile culture . Because Kdan Mobile is – well – a mobile app company, creating a signing system that works across a range of devices was paramount in building DottedSign.

“From the signing of business contracts to confirmation of receipt of any document, electronic signatures are necessary elements of mobile devices in the internet era,” explains Kenny Su, Kdan Mobile’s CEO and founder. “We created DottedSign to help close the loop and deliver that last mile.”

In addition to working across devices and operating systems, DottedSign also works with virtually any document – another advantage it has over its competitors who often force users into specific file formats such as PDF. DottedSign can handle documents from Google Drive, Drobox, iCould, OneDrive and Microsoft Office, as well as documents snapped via your smartphone’s camera. Creating a signature field on these documents is as easy as inserting a drag-and-drop box.

Real signatures

Another aspect of DottedSign that separates it from other e-signing solutions is that the software makes it super simple to create your own hand-drawn signature . You can either use your mouse or your laptop’s trackpad on the web or simply draw on your phone or tablet’s screen to digitize your actual signature. Other similar apps apply a pre-designed signature to your documents that most likely don’t resemble your actual John Hancock at all.

DottedSign also gives users the ability to indicate a signing order so that if multiple people need to sign the same document but in a particular order, the system will see to it that all goes according to plan. Simultaneous signatures are also supported.

DottedSign Makes e-Signature Easy on Mobile and Desktop

Easy organization

When it comes time to check on the status of documents , DottedSign shines as well. A visual progress bar shows where any particular document is in the signing process, a tab system helps users separate tasks according to completed documents or those still in process, and auto-reminders help keep everything on track.

What’s more, a secure audit trail tracks the entire history of each document . This time-stamped system lists the IP address of signatories and which device they used to sign, with all information protected through RSA-2048 encryption.

DottedSign comes in a free version , which caps the number of documents per month and the number of signatures per document to three, while the unrestricted Pro version is currently available at half off , coming in at just $4.99 per month.

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